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Australian Tarantulas (Bird Eating Spiders)
Australian Tarantulas (Bird Eating Spiders) Selenothous species We have this species of spider available in small sizes.(around a 5c piece size) This species of spider can reach a leg span of about 160 mm with fangs around 10mm. They are...
Spiney Leaf Stick Insects
Spiney Leaf Stick Insects for sale. We have a large range of different Stick Insects for sale. Spiney Leaf Stick Insects and Goliath Stick Insects to name a couple. Stick Insects make for easy to keep pets and we always...
Monteith Leaf Stick Insects
Monteith Leaf Stick Insects (Walaphyllium monteithi) for sale. This species of leaf insect is bright green in color and has a body shaped like a leaf. This means it is really flat and broad and has brown spots at the rims...
Red Desert Scorpion (Large)
Red Desert Scorpion (Large) Scorpions are common arachnids found in gardens and forests throughout Australia. They are found under logs, rocks and in shallow burrows in earth banks. There are also desert species that construct deep spiral burrows in desert...
Rainforest Scorpion (Large)
Rainforest Scorpions (Liocheles waigiensis) Their habitat is variable as long as typical rainfall is above 550mm and temperatures above 15 C. Some recent information seems to suggest that they are more prevalent in higher rainfall areas (1000mm). Most common habitats...
Black Rock Scorpions
Black Rock Scorpions for sale Urodacus manicatus The Black Rock Scorpion, as its common name implies, is a dark-coloured species that is often found living under rocks, although it is just as much at home under logs. It is one...
Hermit Crabs
Land Hermit Crabs For Sale Price is for medium sized Hermit Crabs are very popular with children and regarded as a relatively low maintenance pet, however they do require specific housing requirements. They are a tropical animal so require a...
Flinders Ranges Scorpion (Large)
Flinders Ranges Scorpion (Urodacus elongatus) This scorpion lives in gullies and hillsides within the Flinders Ranges of South Australia. This is one of the largest scorpions in Australia with males growing in excess of 100mm from mouth to tip of...
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QLD Bird Eating Spiders (Large)
QLD Bird Eating Spiders (Large) Also known as the Australian Tarantula.We have Spiders for sale in Melbourne Bird eating spiders are also known as barking spiders or whistling spiders. This is due to the noise they make, which can be...
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Giant Burrowing Cockroach
Australian Giant Burrowing Cockroaches (Macropanesthia rhinoceros) for sale. The Giant Burrowing Cockroach is native to Australia and is one of the largest cockroaches in the world! They can measure up to a whopping 8 cm (about as long as the...
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Goliath Stick Insects
Goliath Stick Insects for sale. We have a large range of different Stick Insects for sale. Spiney Leaf Stick Insects and Goliath Stick Insects to name a couple. Stick Insects make for easy to keep pets and we always try...
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Mulberry Chow Silkworm Food (100g)
Mulberry Silkworm Chow 100 grams for sale Will grow 30 silkworms to cocoon stage if used as per instructions. All preparation instructions included in care sheet link below. Mulberry Silkworm Chow is the only food source for Silkworms other than...
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Silkworms (25)
Silkworms available for sale in store or online. 25 worms for $25 They feed primarily on Mulberry leaves but these particular ones have been raised on Mulberry Chow. More Chow will be needed if keeping for full life cycle (approx...
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Goliath Stick Insects
Goliath Stick Insects for sale.(Eurycnema goliath). Small approx 5cm. The Goliath stick insect is a robust, bright green phasmid with yellow patches on the head, legs and thorax. Their bodies can reach up to 25cm in length. The Goliath has...
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Sydney Funnel Web Spider
Sydney Funnel Web Spider Discover the deadly beauty of the Sydney Funnel Web Spider. Featuring venom that is 15 times more powerful than a rattlesnake's, this spider is not one to be trifled with. Its aggressive nature and potent venom...
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Mulberry Chow Silkworm Food (250g)
Mulberry Silkworm Chow 250 grams for saleWill grow 70 silkworms to cocoon stage if used as per instructions.All preparation instructions included in care sheet link below.Mulberry Silkworm Chow is the only food source for Silkworms other than fresh mulberry leaves,...
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Salamanders ( Morphed Axolotl)
Salamanders ( Morphed Axolotl) for sale. These are Axoltl that have been morphed into what we often call "salamanders" The axolotl proper, Ambystoma mexicanum, is the charming but not-quite-right cousin within the salamander family. While very closely related to its...
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Silkworms (Bulk 100)
Bulk Silkworms available for sale in store or online. 100 Silkworms for $85. 1.5-5cm in size. No Silkworm food included. They feed primarily on Mulberry leaves when in season, or can be fed on Mulberry Silkworm Chow when there are...
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Kotzman Bird Eating Spiders
Kotzman Australian bird eating spiders for sale. Selenotholus sp. We have this species of spider available in small sizes.(around a 5c piece size) This species of spider can reach a leg span of about 112 mm. This species has a...
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Stick Insects
We have a large range of different Stick Insects for sale. Spiney Leaf Stick Insects and Goliath Stick Insects to name a couple available to purchase. Stick Insects make for easy to keep pets and we always try to have...
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Wuelfing's Stick Insect
Wuelfing's Stick Insect (Acrophylla wuelfingi) for sale. These are one of Australia's longest stick insects and are very impressive looking animals. They are easy to keep and good to handle for kids. Feeds on eucalyptus leaves and acacia leaves. PLEASE...
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Giant Queensland Katydid - Phyllophorella
Giant Queensland Katydid - Phyllophorella These are very intersting looking creatures and are very easy to keep. Their diet consists of plants, fruit and orthopteran mix (made up of muesli, fish flakes and other ingredients). Plants include; Roses, apple, hardenbergia,...
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Childrens Stick Insects
Children’s Stick Insects Tropidoderus childrenii The Children’s Stick Insect is found in coastal Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Their bodies grow up to around 14cm in length, and both the males and females have two pairs of wings. The...
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Trapdoor Spiders
Trapdoor Spiders Trapdoor spiders are found across most of Australia and consist of many different species from several families. Trapdoor spiders are robust spiders and black or brown in colour. Some species have paler markings or a silky covering of...

Showing 1 - 24 of 28 total

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